Funds raised as of Oct 2022: PHP 565,621
Through your support, we help fund community empowerment initiatives in the Philippines. The focus is on two causes that are close to our hearts: rewilding our forests & helping kids learn.

Yangil Community
Through Mad Travel, the Yangil community has been our advocacy partner since 2018. Through the effort of various partners, the community is given seeds and tools for the soil. In return, the Aeta farmers plant trees in the barren mountains of their ancestral domain, an effort that benefits not just the tribe, but future generations. Proceeds from our past planners were used to purchase seeds and some of them are now fully grown trees.

LAKAS Community
The LAKAS community in Botolan has been our partner since 2019. Their mission is to preserve and respect the Aeta culture through programs such as education and organic agriculture. Their community built one of the first indigenous people managed schools supported by the department of education. Proceeds from our past planners were used to build their daycare center.

Relief aid
The Artists' Promise
In 2020, we established The Artists' Promise in collaboration with For The Future and 50 local artists. We published two e-books to support both the front liners and those greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We raised over PHP 292,000 and distributed the aid to several relief efforts.

Support Rangers
In partnership with Eco Explorations & Philippine Parks and Biodiversity, we support operational needs of rangers under the Tamaraw Conservation program. Even without stable employment, these rangers wholeheartedly perform their jobs and save our beloved Tamaraws from extinction.
The best way to help other people is to listen first. Instead of thinking of solutions you can bring, notice what they are already doing. We believe in long term partnerships, we are constantly looking for ways to add value to the advocacies we believe in.