We hope these 63 questions will help you explore your relationship with yourself, other people, and the world we live in. Whether as a conversation starter for a group, a bonding activity for partners, or writing prompts for your journal, these cards are most valuable when they begin to fill the air with stories. Say the first thing that comes to mind, listen to what others say, and let the conversations flow.
Digital details
Once the payment is settled, you will receive a downloadable link (PDF). You will also receive an Instagram story template and a free digital map of Manila.
This download link will be automatic for PayPal and available within two working days for bank transfers, Gcash, and other payment options.
We permit you to print one copy of Life Stories for personal use only. You may also write in PDF format by downloading apps like Notability digitally. You can also use it as a guide during Zoom chats with friends, and you may post some of your answers online.
However, you may not electronically or physically share, reproduce, copy, manipulate, alter, or sell the PDF file in any form without the authors' written permission. To learn more about or request permissions, please email us at contact@wheretonext.ph.