What is your ideal work routine? What does a good day look like? The best days start without my phone. This rarely happens given my work. But when it does I wake up with a clear mind. A splash of...
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One of our resolutions this 2020 is to find a system that allows us to be more accountable for our dreams. We get excited by new ideas but lack the drive to follow through. In our quest, we stumbled upon Bullet Journaling.
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There are two parts to our process. The first half is the creating part. It’s when we meet with our contributors, look at swatches, write, design, revise, and revise some more. The second half is the sharing part - this...
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Sometimes when things aren’t going according to how we imagined they would, we make the situation even worse by pretending things are fine, but when in reality, they could be better. A break in momentum or a period of unmotivation is normal. It happens to everyone. The sooner we can acknowledge it, the sooner we can give ourselves space to feel the lows and recover.
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Today, traffic is worse, prices are higher, and not all coffee shops offer free and stable internet. Working from home is now more practical than ever. When I started building my personal creative space, I noticed an improvement in my productivity and my overall well-being.
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