Creative Space: Kyunghoon Lee

Kyunghoon, Ky in short is originally from Korea, born and raised in the Philippines and now residing in Norway. His passion for traveling is what sparked it all. Filmmaking has become a perfect medium to express the peculiarities of new experiences.
What’s your ideal creative project?
Any type of film project where multiple people are vibing off of each other and creating for the sake of creating.
What gear do you use? Do you have any hacks or tips to share to those who want to create art while traveling?
I personally have the Sony FX3, and it has been an amazing camera. I just keep my set up as light as possible because if it's too much, I end up not shooting anything. Some say it's not about the gear, and some disagree. I agree with both.

How do you create something with minimal gear and budget?
I'm learning how to communicate goals, ideas, and my passion to people around me. People are so kind and generous, most are down to help when they see someone passionate about something. Basically, I'm learning how to ask for help and realizing more and more that good teamwork is the key.
Technically, since I was not able to have artificial lights, I used apps like 'Sunseeker' to see when the natural light would be and work around that. I've also bought some cheap black fabric to subtract some light in the image.
For days when you lack drive/motivation, how do you get unstuck?
These are most days. Haha. I think going outside for a walk or doing something completely different gives me new ideas which can be motivating. I've recently started practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and it has helped me to be grounded and give perspective in all areas of my life. Getting physically smashed by more experienced practitioners is a perfect reality check.

Tell us about your latest project. What was the biggest struggle in making it?
I just finished a micro short documentary about a dear friend, Jermaine. I've known Jermaine for a decade and I wanted to share her story. The struggle was that we were all having so much fun and it was hard sometimes to get into 'work' mode. The nature in Zambales was incredible and it was easy to get lost enjoying it all. We also spent a lot of time scouting for locations and some days, it rained too. But good and unexpected things happened as well. Like Celest aka The Green Queen, hopped on to help with art direction and make up. Overall, it was such a fun film to make and I'm so grateful for everyone who helped me along the way. Can't wait to share it with everyone :)
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